Looking to be a part of the Queensbury Planning Board?

The Town of Queensbury is looking for Queensbury residents interested in the open position of planning Board Alternate. We have one opening. Email letter of interest and resume to VictoriaE@queensbury.net

On Wednesday July 31st, we lost an important member of our committee. Lynne Boecher Warrren County Democratic Chair: “Queensbury 2nd Ward Councilman Harrison Freer died unexpectedly yesterday. Harrison, a valued member of our community and the democratic party, was a retired Air Force colonel and pilot and longtime environmental activist. Harrison worked tirelessly to seek practical solutions and willingly embraced public service with positivity and commitment. His wife Trish, his children and grandchildren and family were the cornerstones of his life as well as his devout faith, and we all join them in mourning this quality man who made a difference on so many levels for our community and our nation.”