
Town of Queensbury Democratic Committee

Welcome! We are glad you are here! This page will give you some information about the Queensbury Democratic committee or QDems.

Our mission is to empower those who are interested in being a part of our government whether by working on campaigns or running for election themselves. We are looking for energetic people looking to create change. If that is you, please reach out to our executive committee who’s contact information is below.

The Town of Queensbury Democratic Committee follows the rules or “bylaws” in accordance with the Warren County Democratic Committee. The following is a synopsis of our organization.

The Queensbury Democratic has an Executive Committee of four officers who are elected to two-year terms. Officers are:

Chairperson – Pete Roland chair@queensburydems.com
Secretary – Jackson LaSarso- secretary@queensburydems.com
Treasurer – J Davis O’Brien – treasurer@queensburydems.com

The words “Committee Member” describes any person who is a member of the committee.